With lots of people, great musicians, and the most wonderful weather, the party weekend at Gjendebu 3-5 July was a great success!
We were greeted with music when we arrived with the boat..
There were concerts inside…
Fanaråken blåsekvintett
+ Kjerstin Løvdal
and there were concerts outside..
Anton Ruud & The Wrong Way Home
A great party also has a barbecue..
Relaxed dogs..
And relaxed people…
Fenris swimming upstream to get to the birds on the other side…
Still wonderful weather on the way home with the boat from Gjendebu to Gjendesheim.
For those of you who haven’t been there yet, Gjendebu is situated at the end of a large lake, Gjendevatnet, appr. 20 kilometer long.